Millions of people suffer from chronic headaches, unexplained pain in the ear, or other facial and jaw pain. The disorder of the jaw is among complex problem known as TMD disorders (Temporomandibular). Dr. Michael Mazaheri treats these disorders using bite splints, and specialty fabricated guard appliances which are custom made for your mouth.

Many TMJ disorder sufferers may not be aware that a dental problem could be the source of the pain and joint dysfunction. The most common symptom is grinding of the teeth which is known as bruxism. Stress, neck pain, jaw pain, clicking of the jaw joint and tooth wear are other symptoms that may indicated a TMJ dysfunction.


TMD joint symptoms can appear very similar to those of other medical conditions, making diagnosis often difficult. If you suffer from any of the following symptoms you may need to be evaluated for a TMJ disorder.


Jaw pain upon waking


Neck and shoulder pain

Chronic Earache

Popping and clicking of jaw joint

Teeth grinding


TMJ Treatment


TMJ disorders can be treated by oral appliance therapy. The appliance used is a removable device that keeps the teeth and the jaw in proper position during sleep and prevent grinding and clenching.

Most people are not aware that they grind and clench their teeth, and this grinding can lead to wear of the teeth and contribute to decay and periodontal disease overt time. This condition becomes pathological and can lead to the collapse of the bite and make the symptoms more severe. Once a patient is diagnosed with a TMD disorder Dr. Mazaheri may create a customized appliance that is specially designed to alleviate your symptoms . In some severe cases full mouth reconstruction may also be required in order to restore proper form and function to the teeth, bite and the TMJ. Full mouth reconstructions not only restore the teeth to proper form and function from collapsing of the bite, it may also improve the facial esthetics for many patients.

TMJ therapy can have a positive change to the quality of your life. If you think that you may have TMJ dysfunction, or suffer from any of the above symptoms, please contact us to schedule an appointment for an evaluation.






8406 E. Shea Blvd. Suite 101

Scottsdale, AZ 85260




Copyright © 2018 Scottsdale Dentistry., Michael Mazaheri DDS