Tooth Colored Crowns


 There are many different types of crowns in dentistry, however among the most esthetic and beautiful that a tooth can receive are the all porcelain crowns. These types of crowns achieve the desired translucent look and shade that matches the surrounding teeth for the most natural appearance. Restoring dentition with all porcelain crowns requires expertise and experience because by incorrect design and material the outcome of the treatment can be negative. Even the use of the correct cement shade is crucial to achieve a positive outcome because the cement shade can influence the final shade both positively or negatively.

Dr. Michael Mazaheri has restored 1000's of these crowns in the past 15 years and can guide you with your goals to achieve the smile you always wanted without that black line at the gum margin as seen from metal/ceramic crowns.


Cosmetic Crown Types


There are many different types of porcelain and techniques used to achieve the required outcome.


Emax crowns are the newest form of  esthetic porcelain crowns and are widely replacing the use of Porcelain Fused to Metal crowns (PFM) due to superior esthetic and strength.


Feldspathic porcelain is one of the most widely used porcelain in dentistry in the last 15 years


Empress crowns are highly esthetic and used for high-end cosmetic enhancements with porcelain veneers.


Zirconia crowns are now used more and more and have a strong core that can support esthetic porcelain layered in order to look natural.


Bruxir crowns are farily new in dentistry and the entire crown in which the entire crown is milled entirely from the Zirconia material is extremely durable.


Allergy to Crowns

Some patients may have allergy to certain crowns in their mouth and may not even be aware of. The metal used in the fabrication of crown can cause localized irritation to the surrounding tissues where the crown is located. This irritation may cause chronic bleeding, tissue inflammation and other complications.


If you are interested in all porcelain crowns please give our Scottsdale office a call for a consultation.






8406 E. Shea Blvd. Suite 101

Scottsdale, AZ 85260




Copyright © 2018 Scottsdale Dentistry., Michael Mazaheri DDS